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Elsa Dorlin
Elsa Dorlin is a professor of philosophy at the University of Toulouse Jean-Jaurès, winner of the bronze medal of the CNRS for her work in feminist philosophy and author of several books, including La Matrice de la race. Généalogie sexuelle et coloniale de la nation française (Paris, La découverte, 2006), Sexe, genre et sexualités. Introduction à la philosophie féministe(Paris, PUF, 2008/2021), Se défendre. Une philosophie de la violence (Paris, Zones, 2017/2019) translated into several languages and awarded the Frantz Fanon prize by the Caribbean Philosophy Association (CPA). Me, you, us... Tituba is based on an article by Elsa Dorlin for the Yale French Studies, published in 2022.
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