“Girls, women.
Hundreds of thousands.
Abused ripped raped mutilated humiliated annihilated
A great many death reaped
Others death rejected
Terrorized tortured torn to pieces mauled
Undesirable cut off relinquished by the society
Wrecked by the dreadful crime many of them became pregnant by their torturers
Undesirable children were born reminding their mothers of the crime that shattered them
Children disowned by their mothers, their families, the society
I want to talk about those! Who were victims of rape as a weapon of mass destruction.
Those who were raped and sexually assaulted on a daily basis by men and some women, hungry for sex and power
as a means to dominate them, to excrete and exclude them from life.
To torture them
To terrorize them
To kill them
To exterminate them
and invade them
For good
Through the contamination of their blood
With Aids.
I want to talk about those! Children of torturers and of victims.
Children often targeted for the crimes of their fathers. Children targeted, for their mothers chose to let them live.
Children who fight in order to stay alive.
Many revealed their pain to me, the father’s absence, a childhood full of violence and hatred, and sometimes of
love, dance and music.
How to accept oneself when one’s father exterminated one mother’s family? How to build oneself now when on both sides, there is neither a foundation nor a family?
I want to share their testimonies, I want to sing their sorrows and hopes, I want to dance their lives, their scars,their marks, for they leave some behind. “
Dorothée Munyaneza
Artistic direction and choreography
→ Alain Mahé (alternating with Kamal Hamadache)
External eye
Faustin Linyekula
Vincent Gadras
Visual artist
Dorothée Munyaneza, Holland Andrews, Alain Mahé
Stage management
Marion Piry
Light management
Sound management
Camille Frachet ou Valérie Bacjsa
Special thanks to
Godelieve Mukasarasi and to the women and young people from theSEVOTA association (Rwanda).
Compagnie Kadidi, Anahi
Festival d’Avignon I Théâtre de Nîmes – scène conventionnée pour la danse contemporaine I Le Liberté – Scène Nationale de Toulon I Pôle Arts de la scène – Friche la Belle de Mai I La Chartreuse de Villeneuve-lez-Avignon – Centre national des écritures du spectacle I Musée de la Danse – Rennes I Théâtre Garonne – scène européenne – Toulouse I MCB Maison de la Culture de Bourges I Scène nationale, Bois de l’Aune – Aix en Provence I BIT Teatergarasjen-Bergen I Pôle Sud – Centre de développement chorégraphique de Strasbourg I L’échangeur CDC Hauts de France I Escales danse en Val d’Oise I Théâtre de St Quentin-en-Yvelines, Scène nationale I Théâtre du fil de l’eau - ville de Pantin I Théâtre Forum Meyrin, Genève I Tanz im August/HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin I Festival d’Automne à Paris.
With support from
La DRAC PACA, Région PACA I Arcadi Ile-de-France I Fonds de dotation du Quartz –Brest I Creative Exchange Lab du Portland Institute for Contemporary Art I Africa Contemporary Arts Consortium/USA I Baryshnikov Arts Center, New York, NY I CICR – Comité International de la Croix-Rouge I Fonds SACD musique de scène I Fonds Transfabrik – fonds franco-allemand pour le spectacle vivant I ADAMI I Fonds SACD musique de scène I Fonds SACD Théâtre.
Thanks to
Centre d’art Montévidéo, Marseille
Premiered on 7 July 2017 at the Avignon Festival.